2023 is our time to save Earth with a green economy

2023 is our time to save Earth with a green economy

2023 is our time to save Earth with a green economy

Source: https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2023/1/2/23533018/environment-global-crisis-future-jealous-commentary

President Joe Biden and Congress committed almost $700 billion in the next 10 years to reducing pollution, particularly in marginalized communities most likely to suffer, and to making the transportation and energy sectors cleaner to preserve the climate. This is a moment of unprecedented opportunity to combat the climate crisis, lessen the impact of environmental decay in communities that unfairly bear its brunt and build a cleaner economy. We need to come together to seize it. It’s a moment long awaited by people of color in particular, who always have been strong voices for environmental protection and who have been the most demanding of political leaders on these issues at the ballot box. While the federal government has set the stage for unprecedented progress, the work of implementation will play out in every state and community. There were no corporate lobbyists fighting to keep the Apollo rockets grounded, but we can expect fights everywhere to divert investment in a cleaner environment or to minimize its impact. We need to match those opponents in statehouses and city halls with our people power. Environmental, labor and civil rights advocates need to come together as all our interests align in this cause. As we close out this holiday season, let’s give ourselves the gift of belief.