Airports need to go Green

Airports need to go Green

Airports need to go Green


Author:  Vincent Fernandes

Airports of all sizes have an impact of some kind on the environment, both locally and potentially globally. This can include: Emissions from aircraft and ground vehicles, as well as from power use in buildings, all contributing to climate change and local air quality issues; Noise from aircraft for local residents; Potential to damage local wildlife and habitats and water courses and waste generation. Within the global context, airports have significant impact on the global environment in terms of climate change. At a local level, even though noise seems to be the main concern over the last 20 years, air emissions, resources (energy and water) availability, waste and waste water management, ecosystems and land use planning constitute issues that are directly linked to local communities' tolerance. Worldwide international aviation is considered one of the most growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Even though aircraft emissions are not included in Kyoto protocol, emissions that are directly controlled by airport operators are ground-based and therefore are subject to national inventories and targets.