API, Well Done Foundation partner to reduce emissions by plugging orphaned oil and gas wells

Image Source: https://www.oilandgas360.com/

API, Well Done Foundation partner to reduce emissions by plugging orphaned oil and gas wells

API, Well Done Foundation partner to reduce emissions by plugging orphaned oil and gas wells

Source: https://www.oilandgas360.com/api-well-done-foundation-partner-to-reduce-emissions-by-plugging-orphaned-oil-and-gas-wells/

The MOU aims to establish cooperation and a constructive partnership between both organizations by advancing the use and implementation of API standards in the Well Done Foundation’s activities. The agreement also promotes the cooperation and exchange of information about standardization practices and procedures related to the plugging of wells, including API standards, guidelines and recommended practices. In addition, the MOU facilitates the participation of Well Done Foundation subject-matter experts in API’s standards development process. The MOU comes as industry, government and civil society intensify efforts to address orphaned wells across the country to promote groundwater protection and mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law allocated about $4.7 billion to states, tribes and federal agencies for plugging, abandonment, remediation and restoration targeting more than 100,000 documented orphaned wells. “API has strong industry standards for well design and execution as well as plug and abandonment operations. By working with the Well Done Foundation, API is taking action to ensure American natural gas and oil is produced responsibly from start to finish,” API Vice President for Standards and Segment Services Alexa Burr said. “This partnership is one example of our industry’s commitment to decreasing emissions, enhancing sustainability and promoting environmental protection as outlined in API’s Climate Action Framework.