Bethlehem solar array aims to reduce over 150k pounds of carbon per year

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Bethlehem solar array aims to reduce over 150k pounds of carbon per year

Bethlehem solar array aims to reduce over 150k pounds of carbon per year


A 2019 fire burnt a barn down at the property, which Jack Savage with the forest society said turned into an opportunity. "Behind me is an 86-kilowatt solar array," Savage said. "That's part of our re-development of our whole campus here at The Rocks." Revision Energy Vice President Dan Weeks said 180 solar array panels will start up in 2023. "That'll put out over a 100,000-kilowatt hours a year that will power the entire facility at The Rocks," Weeks said. The amount of energy could power around 14 houses in New Hampshire. "It's projects like this one with leading nonprofits showing that it's real," Weeks said. "Even here in the White Mountains, you can get a lot of power from the sun." Weeks said New Hampshire uses the least amount of solar energy in New England. Solar takes up 20% of power in Vermont and Massachusetts. "We get just over one percent of our electricity in the state from the sun," Weeks said. Savage said they wanted to make The Rocks "as close to a net zero campus as we possibly could." "The Earth and the sun help make us far more sustainable, and it is part of our mission at the forest society," Savage said.