Emissions cut in central London by 46% - City Hall data

Image Source: https://www.bbc.com/

Emissions cut in central London by 46% - City Hall data

Emissions cut in central London by 46% - City Hall data

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-64588940

The capital's Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) saw harmful pollution decrease in central and inner London, according to a new City Hall report. Levels reduced by 46% compared to what they would have been without ULEZ in central London and by 21% in the wider inner London zone, the data found. Mayor Sadiq Khan wants to extend it across all of London from August. But his clean-air policy has been met with opposition from a number of councils in the planned extension zone. ULEZ aims to cut pollution levels across London by charging drivers of vehicles that do not meet minimum emissions standards £12.50 a day. Currently, drivers are only charged to enter the area within London's North and South-Circular roads. The report, which was carried out by City Hall and independently peer reviewed by Dr Gary Fuller at Imperial College London, looked at the levels of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in each area. It also found: There were 74,000 fewer polluting vehicles driving in the zone each day, a cut of 60% since its expansion in October 2021, There were nearly 50,000 fewer vehicles seen in the zone on an average day - a reduction of almost 5% compared to the month prior to the expansion, The expansion of ULEZ saw NOx emissions reduced by 23% (13,500 tonnes) across London cumulatively since 2019 compared with what they would have been, Boundary roads have seen a reduction in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations of between 19% and 27% compared to without the ULEZ